

Which —- 两者选一个


l agree with Kelly. In my opinion, graduates would have a better work experience in large and older companies. Firstly, new start-up companies are unexperienced for the whole business market so they are more likely to make bad decisions. As a result, the new company becomes impoverished very soon. Then graduates who join the company can lose their jobs rapidly. Graduates urgently need a stable job to cover the cost of house lease, basic necessities, and utility bills, so fresh small company is a bad choice. Secondly, the older companies are well-established with more effective networking strategies and more reliable sources of funding, where graduates can have better guidance under their excellent working conditions. lf one graduate join a big company, he can learn much about how to work properly, how to deal with the relationship with their partners, and they can be led by experienced mentors, which is of great significance to their future development. In a nutshell, l strongly maintain that older and large companies are better choices for university graduates.


I agree with Kelly, believing that university graduates should choose to work at large and older companies. Firstly, new start-up companies are inexperienced for lack of a global view on the market, so they are more likely to make uninformed decisions. Consequently, these new companies may fail to hold their competitiveness and even go bankrupt, leading to a high possibility that university graduates as new members to the corporate community lose their jobs soon. This is disastrous since they are in urgent need of a stable job and a decent salary size to cover the cost of housing, basic necessities, and utility bills. In this sense, start-ups are not a good choice for new graduates.


l believe that cinemas will disappear in the future and people will come to cinemas less frequently than before. From my perspective, the internet is very popular and well-developed now, demonstrating that people can get access to the movies and films at home very easily. People can watch these films on their telephones, televisions, and computer screens, which is more convenient compared with going out for a long time to watch them at cinemas.Therefore, if people can watch them on their electronic devices, they can enjoy movies whenever and wherever they are. In other words, there is no need to go to a certain place to watch movies. Furthermore, many people don’t enjoy watching movies surrounded by other strangers. Watching films at home on one’s own devices is more private and comfortable; people will not be disturbed by others’ comments or noises. As a result, I maintain that cinemas will cease to exist in the future.


l strongly insist that people will spend less time on working and have more leisure time in the future.From my perspective, with the development of artificial intelligence, twenty years later, the applications of AI will become widespread and popular among all fields of human life. Especially when people are at work, Al can help them work in a more efficient way than recent days.Take the example of police officers, imagine they are hunting for criminals who have escaped from jail. It can be difficult to catch the criminals that they will send a lot of people to investigate and track the trail of criminals. However, with the help of Al in the future, Al can build a network to track criminals all over the world, people can just type the information into such strong system, then monitors in the streets and corners can find the criminals just in few seconds; police will know where they gone and arrest them very soon. That can be much faster than today so police will work less and have more time to relax. In all, l believe people will work less in the future.


I agree with Andrew, being an excellent communicator is more important than having profound background in particular industry technology. From my perspective, being a leader is not only about giving ambitious speech in front of his employees to motivate and encourage them, it is also about negotiating with rivals and communicating with commercial partners. Expert in technical background can be not enough for understanding the key point of communication. Talking with your opponents and someone dislike you requires specific communication skills. A president of company should know the weakness and disadvantages of his adversary and express them in a polite and precise way, to make others aware of their shortages without making them embarrassed, which is the art of communication. In all, I believe that a leader with excellent communication skill is more signicant to lead the whole team to success.


l believe that it is better for the city governments to use a piece of available land as a green space. Many critics who disagree with the greenland choice hold the opinion that building commercial building such as shopping malls, movie theaters and grocery stores can lead to the development of city economy. Nevertheless, building a natural city park can also bring wealth. A natural and well-designed city park can attract many visitors to pay a visit to the city where it locates, which improves the tourism. More travelers means more needs for shopping and hotel-living, which can earn a lot of money too. In addition, although the city park itself is free, visitors who come to the park need to find a parking place for their cars. Setting paid parking places around the park and building a new parking structure near the greenland can a useful way to have a economic improvement.In a nutshell, l maintain that building a greenland is better than using it for other purposes.


I disagree with Paul, believing that public transportation should not be free to all. Building pubilc transportation requires a large amount of money and time, even for the whole country, the cost for establishing such huge transportation system is too large. ln addtion, the maintenance and operation system needs workers and sercuity guards, it takes money to ensure that the whole system works regularly and fine. In my own country, public transportation such as subways, buses and airplanes all requires personal payment, people who takes such ride won’t complain about the fees. The payment charges for the subways are very small so it is really reasonable to pay for a convenient and cheap transportation. On the other hand, taxes paid by citzens can be used for other infrastructure development and medical enhancement, which is more important. In all, I maintain that public transportation should not be free to all.

What —- most/best 提出第三方,反驳其他两者

1 television effects


It is hard to deny that watching televisions too much is one of the main reasons that causes obesity. When children watch television, they often sit on the sofa and eat snacks while watching cartoons or television shows for a long time. Sitting for a long time will cause less exercise, consuming too much junk food will lead to harder digestion for fat. As a result, children will gain a lot of weights with the combination of these two causes. Therefore, actually watching television is not the original reason to be overweight, it is people’s idolence and voracity that leads to obesity. From my perspective, the most significant effect of watching television is causing myopia. When people are watching tv, they stare at the electronic screens; using eyes excessively hurts eyes deeply, which distorts lenses in eyes, it cannot be cured easily. In addition, the radiation from electronic screens can be harmful to the health of eyes. In all, nearsightedness is the most important influence that television has on people.


I partly agree with Paul that television programs can help people broaden their horizons and learn more about the natural world that people cannot pay a visit to. While watching such educational programs demonstrated on televisions, people can learn about the formation of outer universe, the history of Big Bang, the possibility of aliens existing on other planets and so on. Nevertheless, although people can learn a lot through watching educational shows, the most significant purpose of enjoying televisions for people is relaxation and entertainment. After an entire day of tired and busy work, people will lie on the sofa and watch some comedies or variety shows to relax and put all the worries aside; people won’t open an educational channel to learn something with an exhausted body and a drained heart. Amusement is all they want, only entertainment programs and soap operas can meet such demands. In a nutshell, I maintain that entertaining and leisure time is the most important effect of watching television.


I believe that the most significant effect of televisions on people is TV commercials. Whatever program people watch, even the educational programs, advertisement is an inevitable part of television shows. Any television program need to cover the cost of recording expense and putting programs on television also charges seat fees, the most important way to earn money for this is advertising implantation. Thus, People cannot watch the whole program without breaks for advertising; one program will always be split into several parts to be displayed on televisions. Therefore, people have to watch the advertisement during the waiting time, which is often short and lasts for only a few minutes, so many people will still focus on the television and watch the advertisement carefully as well. In addition, TV stars often endorse products and such advertisements will be shown during the break time; people who are fans of such program would be interested in its actors and the products they endorsed as well, which makes people pay more attention to the advertisement and be influenced by such advertising more possibly. In all, TV commercials is the most significant influence of televisions.


l believe the biggest problem is that people usually don’t consider their needs carefully and make decisions too fast so that they buy a wrong technological device which don’t really fit them well. Take the example of myself, when l was a first-year university student, l wanted to buy a new computer for myself. For l made this decision in a hurry, I had to buy it in a very short time. To select a suitable computer, l asked many friends to help me choose some brands that were their preferences and didn’t consider it carefully from my own heart, as l didn’t have any experience to select computers. At that time, the only thing l thought was that l just needed a computer for coding and learning. Therefore, I bought a computer having no independent display card that couldn’t run any 3A games. As a consequece, I realized it was the biggest mistake l have made because just after l received that computer, I fell in love with games and my computer couldn’t afford it at all; even the brand I didn’t like neither. In all, making decisions too fast and buying an unsuitable device is the biggest mistake.


the peony, the plum blossom and other plants competing for the title of the National Flower

juice, bubble tea, coke, and other drinks

sugary beverages 含糖食品饮料
dinosaurs, dodos, and other prehistoric animals

extinct species
books, magazines and other paper medias

printed or electronic publications
buses, subways and other transportation

means/modes/types/forms of public transportation
tests, quizzes and other acadamic evaluations

forms of student/achievement/performance evaluation
charity workers, unpaid museum guides and similar volunteers

voluntary/volunteering roles
pens, erasers and other stationery

types of stationery
saturated fat, added sugar and other

essential nutrients
theme parks, cinemas and similar entertainments

recreational sites
science fictions, romances and other novels

other movie and literature genres


People working under tremendous pressure are likely to suffer from slumber shortage, serious fever, and severe/frequent headache. These stress-related physical problems could be coped with by taking a variety of measures such as doing regular exercises, enjoying natural sceneries and consuming delicious/balanced feasts/diets and even seeking/consulting advice from professional nutritionists and psychologist

hair lost obesity

engaging in outdoor/sun-bathed sports

1、 利用语义关系:上下义词

2、 利用构词法:词性转换—后缀

3、 利用构词法:合成词 sound-proof/museum visitors/diet-related
