

Lecture1: Introduction

• Thinking about Machine Structures

• Great Ideas in Computer Architecture

• What you need to know about this class

• Everything is a Number

Lecture 2: C I

• Compile vs. Interpret 不同进制数字表示法

  • 二进制的表示方法:1.Unsigned Integers 2.Two’s-Complement 二补数(取反+1)3. One’s-Complement 一补数(直接取反)4. Sign Magnitude 只有最高位表示符号

  • CPP Macro 宏定义 #define MAG(x, y) (sqrt( (x)*(x) + (y)*(y))) 要加很多括号不然就会有问题

Lecture 3: C II

• Pointers

• Pointers & Arrays

• C Memory Management

• C Bugs


  • 空指针 指针的值为NULL或0的指针
  • 空悬指针 指向的空间已被释放
  • 野指针 指针未被初始化(赋值)



2 堆与栈
堆是程序通过调用malloc或new分配,调用free或delete释放。 栈是线性结构,堆是链表结构。

3 C的内存分配

int a = 0;  //全局初始化区 ,static
char *p1;  //全局未初始化区 , static
int b;  //stack
char s[] = "abc";  //stack
char *p2; //stack
char *p3 = "123456";  //"123456\0"在static,静态内存,p3在栈上。 
p3[0] ->static 
static int c =0//全局(静态)初始化区 static
p1 = (char *)malloc(10); // heap
p2 = (char *)malloc(20); //heap
&p2 -> stack 
strcpy(p1, "123456");  //"123456\0"放在常量区,编译器可能会将它与p3所指向的"123456"优化成一个地方。 

Lecture 4: RISC-V I

Big Endian vs. Little Endian

Lecture 5: RISC-V II III IV

introduce how to write risc-v 具体看绿卡就行

Lecture 8: RISC-V V



Lecture 9: Call


• Python interpreter is just a program that reads a

python program and performs the functions of

that python program.

  • Interpretation vs. Translation


Input: High-Level Language Code

Output: Assembly Language Code

Pseudo-instructions: instructions that assembler understands but not in machine


Input: Assembly Language Code

Output: Object Code, information tables

Reads and Uses Directives

  • Replace Pseudo-instructions

  • Produce Machine Language

  • Creates Object File

Assembler Directives

• Give directions to assembler, but do not produce machine instructions

Producing Machine Language

• Simple Case

• What about Branches?

– PC-Relative (e.g., beq/bne and jal)

– So once pseudo-instructions are replaced by real ones, we know by how many instructions to branch

• “Forward Reference” problem :Solved by taking two passes over the program

  • First pass remembers position of labels

  • Second pass uses label positions to generate code

Symbol Table

List of “items” in this file that may be used by

other files

– Labels: function calling

– Data: anything in the .data section; variables which may be accessed across files

Relocation Table

• List of “items” whose address this file needs

Assembly Step :

  • Instructions and Labels have addresses

  • Create relocation table and symbol table

  • Generate object (.o) file,Output binary representation for

    • text segment (instructions)

    • data segment (data)

    • symbol and relocation tables


• Input: Object code files, information tables

• Output: Executable code

• Combines several object (.o) files into a single executable (“linking”)

• Enable separate compilation of files

– Changes to one file do not require recompilation of the whole program

• Linux source > 20 M lines of code!

– Old name “Link Editor” from editing the “links” in jump and link instructions

• To resolve references:

– search for reference (data or label) in all “user” symbol tables

– if not found, search library files

– once absolute address is determined, fill in the machine code appropriately


• Input: Executable Code

• Output: (program is run)

• Executable files are stored on disk

• When one is run, loader’s job is to load it into

memory and start it running

• In reality, loader is the operating system (OS)

– loading is one of the OS tasks

Static vs Dynamically linked libraries

Some steps for each stages


  1. Uses Lexers to process the input into tokens.

  2. Be responsible for loop unrolling

  3. Produce an executable binary from a collection of C source files

  4. Checks if there are any syntax errors in the C source files.

  5. Resolve #include directives.


  1. Prepares the relocation table.

  2. Produce an executable binary from a collection of C source files.

  3. Translate symbolic register name to integer register name.


  1. Prepares the virtual address space for the static section.

  2. Fills in the final value for the immediate in jump instructions. Note that the label
    we are jumping to exists in a different file than the jump instruction.

  3. Incorporates statically-linked libraries.

  4. Produces executable filecontaining text and data (plus header).

  5. Produce an executable binary from a collection of C source files.

  6. Relocation


  1. Copies instructions and data from executable file into the address space.

  2. Runtime symbol resolution

Lecture 10: SDS

  • CMOS


数字电路 化简

并项法: AB + AB’ = A

吸收法: A + AB = A

消项法: AB+ A’C + BC =AB + A’C
AB+ A’C + BCD =AB + A’C

消因子法:A + A’B = A + B
短项能够消去 长项中 的 相反项
此处也能这样理解:A看作A*(1+B), 即A+AB+A’B

配项法: 基本公式 A + A = A

Lecture 11: FSM


min clk period= clk-to-q delay + max CL delay +set up time

longest set up time = min (clk period - input delay) (包括寄存器clk delay) 算从输入到寄存器的delay

longest hold time = min output delay (包括寄存器clk delay,从输出口子到output的delay)

clk-q + best case CL delay < hold time

Lecture 12 : CPU Control & Datapath

Complete Datapath

Lecture 12: Pipelining

• Pipelining

• Hazards

– Structural

– Data

• R-type instructions

• Load

– Control

Single Cycle Performance without pipeline: $t_{clk}=t_{pc-clk-q}+t_{IMEMread}+t_{RF read}+t_{mux}+t_{ALU}+t_{DMEMread}+t_{mux}+t_{RFsetup}$

how to speed up of 5 through pipelining:

  1. No hazards

  2. No pipeline register delay

  3. All pipeline stages have equal delay

5 stages pipelining

IF : $t_{clk-q}+t_{MEMread}+t_{Regsetup}$





Structural hazards occur when more than one instruction needs to use the same datapath resource at the same time. Structural hazards can always be resolved by adding more hardware.

Data Hazard solution

  • stalling

  • forwarding

Control Hazards solution

  • prediction

Lecture 13: Superscalar

• Processor Performance - Overview

• Complex Pipelines

• Static Multiple Issues (VLIW)

• Dynamic Multiple Issues (Superscalar)

“Iron Law” of Processor


Static Multiple Issue

• aka.: Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW)

• Compiler bundles instructions together

• Compiler takes care of hazards

• CPU executes at the same time

fetch buffer between 1 and 2

Lecture 14-16: Caches Part I

Cache Lecture I

– Caches Introduction

– Principle of Locality

• Temporal Locality (locality in time)

– If a memory location is referenced, then it will

tend to be referenced again soon

• Spatial Locality (locality in space)

– If a memory location is referenced, the locations

with nearby addresses will tend to be referenced soon

– Simple Cache

– Direct Mapped & Set-Associative Caches

• Cache Lecture II

– Stores to Caches

– Cache Performance

– Cache Misses

– Cache Configurations

– Cache Examples

increase associativity

  • hit time increase

  • miss rate decrease

  • miss penalty unchange

increase entries

  • hit time increase

  • miss rate decrease

  • miss penalty unchange

increase block size

  • hit time unchange

  • miss rate decrease

  • miss penalty increase

矩阵乘法 最快的循环时jki

Lecture 19: DLP

Flynn* Taxonomy

  • Single-Instruction/Single-Data Stream(SISD)

  • Single-Instruction/Multiple-Data Stream(SIMD or “sim-dee”)

  • Multiple-Instruction/Multiple-Data Streams(MIMD or “mim-dee”)

  • Multiple-Instruction/Single-Data Stream(MISD)

SIMD simplify in LAB

int sum_naive( int n, int *a )
    int sum = 0;
    for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        sum += a[i];
    return sum;

int sum_unrolled( int n, int *a )
    int sum = 0;

    /* do the body of the work in a faster unrolled loop */
    for( int i = 0; i < n/4*4; i += 4 )
        sum += a[i+0];
        sum += a[i+1];
        sum += a[i+2];
        sum += a[i+3];

    /* handle the small tail in a usual way */
    for( int i = n/4*4; i < n; i++ )   
        sum += a[i];

    return sum;

int sum_vectorized( int n, int *a )
    __m128i tp=_mm_setzero_si128( );
    for(int i=0;i<n/4*4;i+=4){
        tp=_mm_add_epi32(tp,_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(a+i)));

    int z[4],ans;
    _mm_storeu_si128( (__m128i *)z,  tp );
    for(int i=n/4*4;i<n;i++)
    return ans;
int sum_vectorized_unrolled( int n, int *a )
    __m128i tp=_mm_setzero_si128( );
    for(int i=0;i<n/16*16;i+=16){
        tp=_mm_add_epi32(tp,_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(a+i)));
        tp=_mm_add_epi32(tp,_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(a+i+4)));
        tp=_mm_add_epi32(tp,_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(a+i+8)));
        tp=_mm_add_epi32(tp,_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(a+i+12)));

    int z[4],ans;
    _mm_storeu_si128( (__m128i *)z,  tp );
    for(int i=n/16*16;i<n;i++)

    return ans;

Amdahl’s Law

  • Loop Unrolled

• Amdahl’s Law: Serial sections limit speedup

• Flynn Taxonomy

• Intel SSE SIMD Instructions

– Exploit data-level parallelism in loops

– One instruction fetch that operates on multiple

operands simultaneously

– 128-bit XMM registers

• SSE Instructions in C

– Embed the SSE machine instructions directly into C

programs through use of intrinsics

– Achieve efficiency beyond that of optimizing compiler

Lecture 20: TLP Thread-Level Parallelism

  • Hardware Multithreading

  • Operating System Threads

  • Hyper-threading (simplified)

  • OpenMP


  • OpenMP problem data race

  • OpenMP lock (too slow)

OpenMP for loop divides index regions sequentially per thread in default.
For potential spatial locality and cache optimization.

OpenMP in lab

double dotp_manual_optimized (double *x, double *y, int arr_size)
  double global_sum = 0.0;
  #pragma omp parallel
    int curr_id = omp_get_thread_num();
    int num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
    int start = curr_id * (arr_size / num_threads);
    int end = start + (arr_size / num_threads);
    double thread_sum = 0.0;
    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
      thread_sum += x[i] * y[i];
    if (curr_id == num_threads - 1 && end < arr_size){
      for (int i = end; i < arr_size; i++)
        thread_sum += x[i] * y[i];        
    #pragma omp critical
      global_sum += thread_sum;    

  return global_sum;

double dotp_reduction_optimized (double *x, double *y, int arr_size)
  double global_sum = 0.0;
  #pragma omp parallel
    #pragma omp for reduction (+ : global_sum)
    for (int i = 0; i < arr_size; i++)
      global_sum += x[i] * y[i];
  return global_sum;

void v_add_for(double* x, double* y, double* z)
    #pragma omp parallel
    #pragma omp for
        for(int i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
            z[i] = x[i] + y[i];

void v_add_optimized_adjacent (double *x, double *y, double *z)
  #pragma omp parallel
    int curr_id = omp_get_thread_num();
    int num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
    for(int i = curr_id; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i += num_threads)
    z[i] = x[i] + y[i];


// Edit this function (Method 2) 
void v_add_optimized_chunks (double *x, double *y, double *z)
  #pragma omp parallel
    int curr_id = omp_get_thread_num();
    int num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
    int start = curr_id * (ARRAY_SIZE / num_threads);
    int end = start + (ARRAY_SIZE / num_threads);
    for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
      z[i] = x[i] + y[i];
    if (curr_id == num_threads - 1 && end < ARRAY_SIZE){
      for (int i = end; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
        z[i] = x[i] + y[i];        

Lecture 22: OS

• OS Boot Sequence and Operation

• Devices and I/O, interrupt and traps

I/O Example (polling) :mouse/processor

Interrupt-driven I/O:Disk

Polling compare with Interrupt

Polling: CPU periodically queries device to determine if they need attention
Interrupts: Each device signals to CPU that it wants to be serviced
The latter one is better since it utilizes CPU better


• Application, Multiprogramming/time-sharing

Lecture 24: VM

  • What do we need Virtual Memory for?

Reason 1: Adding Disks to Hierarchy

Reason 2: Simplifying Memory for Apps

Reason 3: Protection Between Processes

Pages advantages:

  • run program longer than DRAM

  • no memory fragamentation


TLB check -> page check -> allocate new memory -> update page -> update TLB

Some true or false statement

  1. In a bare system without virtual memory, a program can modify any part of the memory. T
  2. Both base and bound memory system and paged memory system can run programs with larger memory than DRAM. F
  3. The TLB should be flushed after a context switch or when any new memory is allocated. F
  4. Increasing page table size can always lead to reduction in page faults. F

Lecture 24: FGPA

FPGA application/devices

• Communication devices
Wired and wireless routers and switches
• Automotive applications
Braking systems, traction control, airbag release systems, and cruise-control
• Aerospace applications
Flight-control systems, engine controllers, auto-pilots and passenger in-flight
entertainment systems
• Defense systems
Radar systems, fighter aircraft flight-control systems, radio systems, and missile guidance systems

Embedded System Design

– Communication devices

• Wired and wireless routers and switches

– Automotive applications

• Braking systems, traction control, airbag release systems,

and cruise-control applications

– Aerospace applications

• Flight-control systems, engine controllers, auto-pilots and

passenger in-flight entertainment systems

– Defence systems

• Radar systems, fighter aircraft flight-control systems, radio

systems, and missile guidance systems

some statements

  1. Embedded System are designed to perform predefined functions on certain platforms.

  2. Embedded Systems usually provide limited functions and have fewer components than Computer Systems.

  3. ASIC can not be changed once designed, but it is suitable
    for high-volume mass production.

FPGA vs others

Lecture 25: WSC

Warehouse Scale Computing

• Request-level Parallelism

e.g. Web search

• Data-level Parallelism

Static web servers use request-level Parallelism while MapReduce is Data-level Parallelism.

Inefficient load balancing in a warehouse-scale computer may lead to higher
energy consumptions.

– MapReduce

– Hadoop, Spark

two parallelism strategies in WSC. : Request-level, Data-level

Impact on WSC software

• Latency, bandwidth à Performance

– Independent data set within an array

– Locality of access within server or rack

• High failure rate à Reliability, Availability

– Preventing failures is expensive

– Cope with failures gracefully

• Varying workloads à Scalability, Availability

– Scale up and down gracefully

  • MapReduce

Warehouse-Scale Computers (WSCs)

– New class of computers

– Scalability, energy efficiency, high failure rate

• Cloud Computing

– Benefits of WSC computing for third parties

– “Elastic” pay as you go resource allocation

• Request-Level Parallelism

– High request volume, each largely independent of other

– Use replication for better request throughput, availability

• MapReduce Data Parallelism

– Map: Divide large data set into pieces for independent parallel processing

– Reduce: Combine and process intermediate results to obtain final result

– Hadoop, Spark

Lecture 26: Advanced Caches

Advanced Caches:

  • MRU is LRU

  • Reduce the size of LLC

  • LLC is not monolithic

Lecture 27: I/O: DMA, Disks, Networking

• Direct Memory Access (DMA)

• Disks

• Networking

Shared vs. Switch-Based Networks

Software Protocol to Send and Receive





DMA模式下,CPU并不全程参与数据的传送工作,只需下达命令即可。DMA方式下有控制器和通道,CPU只须向DMA控制器下达指令,让DMA控制器来处理数据的传送,数据传送完毕再把信息反馈给CPU,这样就很大程度上减轻了CPU资源占有率。DMA模式与PIO模式的区别就在于,DMA模式不过分依赖CPU,可以大大节省系统资源,二者在传输速度上的差异并不十分明显。DMA模式又可以分为Single-Word DMA(单字节DMA)和Multi-Word DMA(多字节DMA)两种,其中所能达到的最大传输速率也只有16.6MB/s。

DMA 传送方式的优先级高于程序中断,两者的区别主要表现在对CPU的干扰程度不同。程序中断请求不但使CPU停下来,而且要CPU执行中断服务程序为中断请求服务,这个请求包括了对断点和现场的处理以及CPU与外设的传送,所以CPU付出了很多的代价;DMA请求仅仅使CPU暂停一下,不需要对断点和现场的处理,并且是由DMA控制外设与主存之间的数据传送,无需CPU的干预,DMA只是借用了一点CPU的时间而已。还有一个区别就是,CPU对这两个请求的响应时间不同,对程序中断请求一般都在执行完一条指令的时钟周期末尾响应,而对DMA的请求,由于考虑它的高效性,CPU在每条指令执行的各个阶段之中都可以让给DMA使用,是立即响应。 DMA主要由硬件来实现,此时高速外设和内存之间进行数据交换不通过CPU的控制,而是利用系统总线。DMA方式是I/O系统与主机交换数据的主要方式之一,另外还有程序查询方式和中断方式。

• I/O gives computers their 5 senses

• I/O speed range is 100-million to one

• Polling vs. Interrupts

• DMA to avoid wasting CPU time on data transfers

• Disks for persistent storage, replaced by flash

• Networks: computer-to-computer I/O

– Protocol suites allow networking of heterogeneous

components. Abstraction!!!

Lecture 28: Dependability and RAID

Dependability via Redundancy

  • 汉明码 Parity /Hamming Error Correction Code




RAID是英文Redundant Array of Independent Disks的缩写,中文翻译过来就是“独立冗余磁盘阵列”。简单的说,RAID是一种把多块独立的硬盘(物理硬盘)按不同的方式组合起来形成一个硬盘组(逻辑硬盘),从而提供比单个硬盘更高的存储性能和提供数据备份技术。利用这项技术,将数据切割成许多区段,分别存放在各个硬盘上。磁盘阵列还能利用同位检查(Parity Check)的观念,在数组中任意一个硬盘故障时,仍可读出数据,在数据重构时,将数据经计算后重新置入新硬盘中。








2.1 RAID 0
RAID 0连续以位或字节为单位分割数据,并行读/写于多个磁盘上,因此具有很高的数据传输率,但它没有数据冗余
RAID 0只是单纯地提高性能,并没有为数据的可靠性提供保证,而且其中的一个磁盘失效将影响到所有数据
RAID 0不能应用于数据安全性要求高的场合

2.2 RAID 1

2.3 RAID 5

. RAID 3 employs the strategy of byte-level striping with single parity disk, which is inefficient to detect errors.

2.4 RAID 6

2.5 RAID 10
RAID10其实是RAID 1+0


RAID等级 需要硬盘数量 容错能力 读写能力
RAID 0 最少1个 读写性能高
RAID 1 N(偶数) 读性能高、写性能低
RAID 5 N>=3 有(最多一个坏盘) 读写性能高
RAID 10 N>=4(偶数) 有(每组最多坏一个盘) 读写性能高

Lecture 29: Security



Flash memory can be used as a disk cache to a magnetic hard disk.


  • covers: Virtual Memory; Protection Levels; Instruction Pipelining; Out-of

    order Execution; Speculative Execution; CPU Caching.

  • Keywords: Cache, timing, speculative execution, memory paging, OS pages, data of another process (4 of those keywords are enough).
    We want to read from OS pages that hold data of other processes. Those are in our
    Virtual Memory space in order for the OS to process them quickly. But it is forbidden for our process to read them. If we try to read them the OS will check (with an ”if”) if we are allowed to read them and thus return with a page fault. But speculative execution will nevertheless cause those pages to be read (but the process doesn’t see the result).


• Every part of a computer can be vulnerable

– Be vigilant and attentive in designing and


• Security and privacy have different presences

– More than DoS, DDoS, virus, Trojan, ransomware,

spyware, and phishing emails

• The challenges for a computer architect

– To rule out any possibility of vulnerabilities

– To achieve both high performance and security